Character Designing



This is me trying to make the same character using a bunch of different character-makers


My FAVORITE bust-up character maker - @sushicore

Great for getting a general character idea down very quickly
Lots of options for color in hair, brows, + skin
Lots of options for hairstyles, marks/scars, accessories + clothes
Some fantasy options like horns, different ears, scales, etc.
Only a few things can be moved a little, nothing scaled / rotated
X No body type options
X Limited face shapes
X Limited eye, lips, + clothing/accessories colors

BEST Full-Body character maker - @extraA

Great for lots of details to add backstory / personality
Lots of options for color in hair + skin
Fun hand poses / objects to hold
METRIC TONS of options for hairstyles, marks/scars, accessories + clothes - layerable, with different colors too
Some fantasy options like horns, different ears, etc.
X Limited eye, lips, brows + nose options
X No face shape + body type options
X Nothing is movable / scale-able / rotatable

Good Full-Body character maker - @AlliMocha

Cute style, color palette + outfits
Some fantasy options like different ears
Good options for hairstyles + clothes
OK variety for color in hair + skin
OK variety for marks/scars, accessories
X Limited options for brows + eyes
X No face shape + body type options
X Nothing is movable / scale-able / rotatable
X Really only good for thin feminine or androgynous characters

Super customizable character maker - @MPOM

EXTREMELY customizable
Almost every detail can be moved, scaled, and/or rotated
Good variety for body types, face shapes, hair styles, accessories, + marks/scars
Good color options for hair + skin
Some fantasy options like different ears, horns, armor, etc.
OK variety for eye + nose shapes
X Kind of a weird style for eye colors (the whole eye changes color, so lighter colors look weird)
X No lip colors, and limited styles
X Clothes are pretty much ONLY fantasy-focused, + super basic

Black-Focused character maker - @Naylissah

TONS of variety for hair styles, accessories, + marks/scars
Good color options for eyes, skin, hair, clothes
Some fantasy options like different ears, horns, wings, masks, etc.
Can only move some stuff, no scaling / rotating (that woulda made this one SO much better!)
X Limited variety for body types, mouth + nose shapes
X No face shape, lip color, options

Another good side-view bust character maker - @Lunevani

Cool style
Some awesome 2-tone / highlights hair options!
Lots of options for hair, marks/scars, accessories + clothes
Great variety of colors for eyes, skin, hair, clothes,
Can only move some stuff, no scaling / rotating (that woulda made this one SO much better!)
OK variety for nose shapes
X Basically NO hair-up styles or braids. There’s lots of other options, but like NONE for those two :(

Best ones

BEST Full-Body character maker

✔ Great skin tone options
✔ Cool style + color palette
✔ Tons of detail + outfit options
X No face shape + body type options

Half-Body character maker

✔ Great skin tone options
✔ Cool style + color palette
✔ Face shape + body type options
✔ Tons of detail + outfit options

Okay ones

Feminine character maker

X Basically no skin tone options
✔ Cool style + color palette
X No body type / face shapes options

Tiefling character maker

Decent skin tone options
✔ Good hair + details options
X Better for masculine than feminine characters
X Limited clothing options